What do you need to let go of?
While each new season brings with it change, Spring is the season where we start thinking about renewal and being more active.
November is National Novel Writers Month – or NaNoWriMo.
Do you need to change your life?
Ever woken up and thought this just isn’t working for me? Or maybe your life overall is good but there is something else you want to do or
So you’ve decided to start blogging. Congratulations. It’s a crazy ride. There is so much to learn and you can easily become overwhelmed. I know I did.
Have you ever noticed that sometimes life gets too hard? Nothing seems to go right and the more you do, the longer it seems to go on?
This has been my experience recently.
As I am preparing for my next travel adventure, I’ve been thinking about the items that I want to take with me.
You are walking down the street one day and you see a friend you haven’t seen in ages.